Painting derived from original photograph by Patricia Sahertian. 2.5 x 4 inches, acrylic on photo paper. 

Painting derived from original photograph by Patricia Sahertian. 2.5 x 4 inches, acrylic on photo paper. 

Standing amid tumbling adobe structures and reconstruction and restoration is Tucson’s Barrio Viejo, the old neighborhood. Once called Barrio Libre because there was no policing of the area and it was free of legal restraints, this neighborhood represents a source of pride and shame in the history of Tucson.

I couldn’t decide which portrait of Barrio Viejo I wanted to show, so I did both – crumbling and restored. Which do you prefer?

If you are interested in reading about the area, here are some resources:
Barrio Viejo, Barrio Nuevo by Dave Devine
University of Arizona Library: Tucson’s Barrio Libre

“mission gifts” 2.5 x 4 inches, acrylic on photo paper.

“hauling adobes” 2.5 x 4 inches, acrylic on photo paper.

See the whole collection of Little Truths, on flickr.