oil pastel and colored pencils, 7 x 5 inches on canvas

There were two bangle bracelets in the grate. One had the similar etched detail found on many of the jewelry pieces. The other was plain. They had to be cut up to fit into the holes of the grate. Who methodically took these objects and stuffed them in? Why did they want to hide them, what significance did they have, what did they cover up? Every time I work on these images, I am thinking these thoughts and imagining the answers.

This is the last of the objects in the oil pastel and pencil series called Domino Mysteries. My next step is to outline the history with Peggy Coulombe so we can begin the story writing.

I have been reading call for entries descriptions and starting to plan on sending the series for review in a show as well. I am also interested in converting them into an artist’s book with Mary and with Peggy a published short story. It seems this is just the beginning. Stay tuned.