The Kalamazoo Book Arts Center has posted many of the books that were submitted for the current show The Illustrated Accordion April 2 – 30. Todd submitted his Royal Flush book, made from vintage playing cards with individual, original, miniature water colors of the face cards for all the suits. It is quite exquisite. Mary C. Leto sent her wonderful book Button Tales, Myths and Superstitions, on her own handmade paper with attached paper buttons of various sizes and colors juxtaposed on the names of the dead, pasted to gravestones. It is beautiful.

This week I worked on the companion piece in the Body of Evidence series. I still have to finish the cover, but the pages are complete, and I believe my skills at putting them together have improved. The process of making books is really enjoyable to me. There are so many steps to keep you interested: the narrative, the art, the paper, the assembly, the cover, etc. Stay tuned for more.