

tuesday: working with the ipad to get to know the brushes. i used this photo, one that i have used a few times before, to try out the turpentine brush. i am very happy with the results. i used four layers. one for the photo, one for all the background and for...
eastern block

eastern block

saturday: collected photos that i think are from somewhere in eastern europe since the text on the back is in roman alphabet and not cyrillic. it was all scotch taped up like this when i got it. there is a stamp on it, but i don’t want to remove the tape which is now...
plymouth lies

plymouth lies

friday: thumbing though old history text books, this one from 1958, you find a lot of lies. stories told from the patriarchal, racist and misogynistic point of view. i used a story of the first thanksgiving, that in itself a myth, using painting of ships from england,...
what give you the right?

what give you the right?

thursday: so thinking of periods, i have always been weirdly drawn to medical illustrations. i found these gynecological ones on and printed them over layers of old italian lesson books, italianite design and maps of rome. i wanted to express the control...